Itanian Programme SMLC HKU School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU
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27 April 2018

Italian discourse particles in a cross-linguistic perspective

27 Apr 2018 (Fri)
3:30 pm
Room 4.34, Centennial Campus, HKU


Discourse particles, such as well, now, you know, I mean, frankly, like, okay, etc., are words or phrases that manage the flow of speech and structure the discourse. Because of their pragmatic value, their function and their interlinguistic equivalents are not always easy to identify. As an example, the lecture discuss differences and similarities within discourse particles in the contiguous areas of affirmation, confirmation, agreement.

Cecilia Andorno is an Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Torino (Italy). Her main fields of research are Spoken Language and Second Language Acquisition. She also coordinates and teaches training courses to teachers of Italian as second language.

She is the co-author (with A. Valentini e R. Grassi) of “Verso una nuova lingua. Capire l’acquisizione di L2”, (UTET Editore 2017) and co-edited (with A.M. De Cesare) “Focus on Additivity. Adverbial Modifiers in Romance, Germanic and Slavic languages” (Benjamins 2017)


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